1) Cascade Event
Target a location to begin the Cascade Event. After 1.5 second delay, enemy units in the AOE (Area of Damage) get pulled torwards the center and take 260 Damage.
Radius – 350
Cooldown (CD) – 15 seconds
2) Shared Existence
Target a unit to apply a 35% Movement Speed Slow for 4 seconds. Every time the target takes damage the Slow Increases by 7%, up to 70%.
Range – 600
Cooldown (CD) – 8 seconds
3) Rift Burn
Target a location to spawn a Rift there. Any units inside of the radius instantly take 200 Magic Damage. The Rift lingers for 6 seconds, dealing Magic Damage every second. The damage starts small but increases with every puls, up to a max of 400 Magic Damage over the whole duration.
Radius – 300
Cooldown (CD) – 15 seconds
4) Wormhole
Target a location to channel for 2 seconds. At the end of the channel time, the Riftwalker is instantly teleported to the target location, dealing 450 Magic Damage and a 2.5 second Superior Magic Stun in the area.
Radius – 400
Cooldown (CD) – 70 seconds