

Lodestone is a melee initiator that can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of any tank.


1) Rocket Drill

Target an area to launch a drill dealing 170 Magic Damage and applying an 60% Movement Speed slow for 2 seconds. Activate again to launch yourself towards the drill dealing 170 Magic Damage and applying a 1.5 second stun. Deals only half the damage if the target is hit twice.

Radius – 200

Cooldowm (CD) – 14 seconds

2) Headsmash

Target an enemy to deal 420 Mixed Damage to the target and yourself. This effect cannot kill you.

Range – 250

Cooldown (CD) – 7 seconds

3) Lodestone Plates

Passively causes enemy attacks to heal you for 35% of the damage taken. Each instance of damage removes one charge. Maximum of 4 charges. Passively gains 1 charge every 6 seconds.

4) Shatterstorm

Activate to begin gaining 20% damage reduction for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, Lodestone explodes in an area and applies a 50% Movement Speed slow to enemies, applies Shatterstorm to self and enemies for 5 seconds and dealing 475 Mixed Damage to enemy units. Shatterstorm causes all Physical and Magical damage taken to have 100% Armor and Magic Armor pierce.

Cooldown (CD) – 60 seconds

The Verdict


The Good: His prowess in battle allows him to increase the damage of his allies as well as his own.

The Bad: He can deal massive damage to a single target but damages himself in the process.

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