1) Explosive Flare
Target a location to deal 100 Magic Damage and an additional 200 Magic Damage over 2 seconds to enemis hit.Initial damage affects buildings. Slows Movement Speed by 24%, grants vision on the area for 4 seconds.
Radius – 300
Cooldown (CD) – 14 seconds
2) Hollowpoint Shells
Passively grants attacks 40% chance to apply an additional 50 Phisical Damage and a 0.2 second Stun.
3) Dead Eye
Passively increases attack range by 240. Level 3 and 4 allow Flint to outrange Towers.
4) Money Shot
Target an enemy to channel for 1.7 seconds. After channeling completes, fires a shot that deals 665 Magic Damage and 0.2 second Stun. Shot will fire up to 2800 units away.
Range – 2500
Cooldown (CD) – 10 seconds