1) Crippling Dart
Target an enemy unit to deal 40 + 125% of your Attack Damage as Physical Damage and Apply a 70% Movement Speed Slow for 1 second.
Range – 700
Cooldown (CD) – 7 seconds
2) Side step
Target a position to dash towards it and add 40 Physical Damage to your next attack.
Range – 400
Cooldown (CD) – 6 seconds
3) Splinter shot
Passively causes your basic attacks to deal 60% Damage to enemies behind the target.
4) Jungle Toxin
Passively applies Jungle Toxin to enemies for 3 seconds whenever dealing (non Dot) damage, stacking up to 6 times.
Jungle Toxin grants Clearvision of the target and deals increasing Physical Damage over time per stack.
Maximum of 79 Physical Damage per second.